• 013 653 3500
  • info@cbjlaw.co.za
  • Monday 08:00 | Tuesday to Thursday 07:45 - 16:30 | Fridays 07:45 - 16:00

Who We Are

We are a bespoke new breed law firm, based in eMalahleni on the Mpumalanga Highveld, providing tailormade solutions to selected categories of clients.

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We care about our clients, staff and community

We Care

We like to get personal and build relationships of trust with our clients. We invest in our staff and give back to our communities.

Setting the Standard

We set the standard and lead from the front

Setting the Standard

We set high standards for ourselves and work hard to achieve them and ensure our clients experience top and consistent service throughout the firm.

Phatshoane Henney Group

Member of South Africa's Largest Legal Network

Phatshoane Henney Group

The Group is represented by more than 40 law firms across all 9 Provinces with 60 offices and over 500 professionals. Undoubtedly the largest and only truly South African legal network!

Administration of Deceased Estates

Administration of a deceased estate in accordance with the provisions of Act 66 of 1965 can be a daunting task. We assist with the process, from reporting the estate to the Master to collection and transfer of assets.

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Commercial Contracts

Commercial contracting is a highly specialised area of law, requiring attention to detail. We provide expert commercial contracting support, ensuring that professional, commercial and business skills and expertise are brought to bear in the drafting and negotiation of various agreements, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each client. We are experienced in handling matters in relation to mergers and acquisitions, corporate sales and purchases, joint ventures and strategic alliances, the drafting of commercial agreements and the implementation of transactions.

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Debt Collection and Recovery

Debt collection and recovery services, including ‘soft’ collections and collections of a litigious nature, advice on credit agreements, negotiation, settlements, and other debt-related dispute resolution services.
Click here to read more.

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Administration of Deceased Estates

Administration of a deceased estate in accordance with the provisions of Act 66 of 1965 can be a daunting task. We assist with the process, from reporting the estate to the Master to collection and transfer of assets.
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Commercial Contracts

Commercial contracting is a highly specialised area of law, requiring attention to detail. We provide expert commercial contracting support, ensuring that professional, commercial and business skills and expertise are brought to bear in the drafting and negotiation of various agreements, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each client. We are experienced in handling matters in relation to mergers and acquisitions, corporate sales and purchases, joint ventures and strategic alliances, the drafting of commercial agreements and the implementation of transactions.
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Advice and support in respect of entity formation, preparation of founding documentation, registrations, maintenance, amendments, drafting of agreements and resolutions, and company secretarial and administrative support services
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How Can You Protect Your Heirs’ Inheritances from Their Creditors?

07 October 2024


Three Ways to Protect Yourself from the Nightmare Neighbour in Your Complex

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The Companies Amendment Act puts directors in the hot seat

03 October 2024

Recent amendments to the Companies Act—through the Companies Amendment Act 16 of 2024 and Companies Amendment Act 17 of 2024... (collectively referred to as the “Amendment Acts”)—introduce a host of changes that all directors need to be aware of. This article offers an overview of the significant updates to the Act.  


How Can You Protect Your Heirs’ Inheritances from Their Creditors?

07 October 2024


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On 23 June 2023, Mrs Strydom had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Hallo Denise, Baie baie dankie. ń Amazing journey saam met jou...jy moet onthou diens is een ding, maar as daar ń Jesus hart by is, is dit uitstaande diens..dit is wat jy is..en ek sê dit nie net nie..jy verdien net die beste..baie dankie vir alles. Vader Seën jou.."

Santie Strydom

On 19 July 2023, Mrs Keen had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Julle diens was werklik uitstekend gewees! Denise het my heeltyd op hoogte gehou met als en nie een keer frustreerd geraak met al my vrae en oproepe nie. Ons sal voorentoe net van julle gebruik maak, ek het regtig nie eens woorde nie, dit was net perfek. Denise het gehelp met reelings maak sodat ek nie al die pad Bethal toe hoef te ry nie. Dit was regtig uitstekende diens gewees!"

Marcia Keen

On 2 July 2023, Mr Gerhard Smit had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Geagte CBJ Prokureurs en Personeel, Laerskool Kragbron verklaar met genoee dat CBJ Prokureurs waarlik omsien na hulle kliente. Vanaf dag een het Laerskool Kragbron net eerlike, vriendelike en behulpsame diens ontvang. Bemarkersagent, Debbie de Beer, se beloftes word honderdmaal na gekom. Laerskool Kragbron se finansiele aspekte het verbeter, weens die stiptelike maandelikse betaling, van uitstaande skoolfonds invorderings. Dankie vir die maandelikse skedules wat u vir ons pligsgetrou aanstuur. U span is waarlik 'n bron van trots. Maak nie saak hoe groot of klein die probleem, u deur was nog altyd oop vir Laerskool Kragbron. Dit is vir ons 'n eer om u dienste aan te beveel aan omliggende skole.

Gerhard Smit, Principal

On 26 July 2023, Mr Maphiri had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "The service was exceptional! Olivia was very patient with me. She deserves a big fat bonus, the best of the best, exceptional."

Mr Maphiri

On 27 July 2023 Zanele Mohlatlole had this to say about CBJ Attorneys (We Care - School Shoe Project): "Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. Thank you for putting a smile on my kid's faces. I pray the Lord bless you and increase your company, and all you touch multiplies, stay blessed "

Zanele Mohlatlole, Principal
Kwa-Guqa Primary School

On 2 August 2023, Mr Sibiya had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Thanks for the excellent service that you rendered to Sibiya family, really appreciated. "

Mr Sibiya

On 21 August 2023. Mrs Lubisi had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Good Day. Thank you so much for such kind heart. You were so understanding throughout. May the good Lord enlarge you. Wish other ppl can learn from you on how to treat clients."

Mrs Sandra Lubisi

On 18 September, Mrs Mostert had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: " Goeie Middag Susan. Wil graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om vir jou BAIE BAIE dankie te se vir alles. Jy is n regte staatmaker ek kon enige tyd op jou knoppie druk en jy was altyd gereed om raad en hulp te gee. Almal met wie ek praat se hulle kan nie glo dat my Huis se Registrasie by Akte Kantoor so vinnig afgehandel is nie. Met die hele Verkoop transaksie het als so vlot verloop, behalwe nou van die Oorspronklike Akte wat ek verlore laat raak het. Julle is baie Professioneel en verseker die Beste Prokureurs met Huis verkope, sal julle beslis aanbeveel vir enige iemand in die toekoms. Was lekker om jou te leer ken in persoon en ek wens jou alle Voorspoed toe vir die toekoms, asook by CBJ Prokureurs. Jy is definitief n Groot aanwins vir die Maatskappy."

Mrs Mostert

On 26 September, Mrs Mosehane had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: " Susan's service 10 out of 10. She always assisted me, even at night when I sent a mail, thank you."

Mrs Mosehane

On 20 July 2023, Mr. Danie Störm had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Mr. Daniel Henrico Störm has been principal at Laerskool Taalfees since 2008 till present. Since I have been working at Laerskool Taalfees we have been using the services of CBJ Attorneys. We are satisfied with their services and will continue to utilize them. I can recommend CBJ Attorneys to anybody."

Danie Störm, Principal
Laerskool Taalfees

On 21 June 2023, Mr. Jaco Bothma had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "As 'n nuwe kliënt is ons baie tevrede me die uitstekende diens wat gelewer word deur CBJ Prokureurs. Ons het met die volgende aspekte na CBJ Prokureurs geskuif: debiteure invorderings, dissiplinêre asksies en regsadvies. CBJ lewer goeie diens, en antwoorde op ons vrae word onmiddelik hantee. Ons word gereeld deur hulle besoek om seker te maak dat ons tevrede is met hul diens. CBJ Prokureurs en Laerskool Secunda maak saam 'n goeie span en ons sien uit na 'n suksesvolle toekoms en werksverhouding."

Jaco Bothma, Principal
Laerskool Secunda

On 19 July 2023, Mr. Gerhardt van Rooyen had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "CBJ Prokureurs is 'n trotse lid van die Phatshoane Henny Group of Associated Law Firms, die grootste regsnetwerk in Suid-Afrika. CBJ Prokureurs lewer al vanaf 1 Augustus 2008 skuldinvordering en -invorderingsdienste aan Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog. Dit sluit onderhandeling, skikkings en ander skuldverwante dispuutoplossings dienste aan ons ouers in. Ons ervaar hul as uiters profesioneel en hul dienste is van hoë standaard. Hulle innoveer voortdurend in hul dienste en die manier waarop hul dit verskaf. CBJ Prokureurs maak ons hande sterk deur die hantering van moeilike, finansiële uitdagings. Hul lojaliteit en ondersteuning aan Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog word hoog op die prys gestel."

Gerhardt van Rooyen, Principal
Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog

On 21 July 2023, Mr. Danie Heese had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: " Ons as die beheerliggam van Laerskool Kruinpark wil graag aan CBJ Prokureurs dankie sê vir al hulle regsadvies en hulp wat hulle van die begin van 2023 aan ons gebied het. Vanaf die eerste ontmoeting met Debbie was ons gerus gestel dat dit in die skool se beste wense sal wees om oor te skuif na hulle toe. Krisna (Direkteur van Invordering) het deurgery na ons skool toe, sy het 'n afspraak met ons hele finansiële komitee gehad en enige vrae of bekommernisse wat ons gehad het, het sy met die wêreld se geduld en verstand vir ons beantwoord. Sy het selfs vir ons een van haar IT dames gestuur om vir ons 'n sisteem te skep om ons debiteure klerk te help. Ons kan met die grootste vrymoedigheid CBJ Prokureurs aanbeveel vir enige skool of besigheid. Baie dankie Krisna en Debbie ons waardeer julle."

Danie Heese, Principal
Laerskool Kruinpark

On 25 July 2023, Mr. Gerrie van der Merwe had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: " Ons het hande gevat met CBJ Prokureurs gedurende 2020. Tot op hede het ons slegs uitmuntende diens ontvang vanaf hulle. Hulle is bereid om meer as die ekstra myl te loop, self met probleme was nie finansies verwant is nie. Ons beveel hule ten sterkste aan vir enige skool wat hulp benodig met vordering van uitstaande skoolfonds."

Gerrie van der Merwe, Principal
Laerskool Middelburg

On 30 August 2023, Mr. Phillip Meyer had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Laerskool Marble Hall is al die afgelope 4 jaar deel van die CBJ Attorneys-span en ontvang altyd flinke diens. Hulle tree altyd professioneel op en hanteer alle sake deeglik. Terugvoer geskied gereeld en altyd baie volledig. Hulle hanteer die invorderings en subsidies van die rekeninghouers. Persoonlike afsprake met ouers word deur hulle gemaak en kom dan persoonlik skool-toe vir die onderhoude. CBJ lewer 'n baie goeie diens vir ons as skool, en sal hulle verseker aanbeveel."

Phillip Meyer, Principal
Laerskool Marble Hall

On 21 July 2023, Mrs. Sanet Le Roux had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "It is with the greatest pleasure that I am able to write a testimonial for CBJ Attorneys. Highveld Ridge Primary became clients of theirs in 2022. They are very professional and helpful. They assist with collection school fees, exemptions ect. The return is much faster and better than what we experienced with other companies. Your efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of your services has greatly contributed to outstanding debt being collected."

Sanet Le Roux, Acting Principal
Highveld Ridge Primary School

On 24 July 2023, Mrs. Lizanda Joubert had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Laerskool Oosterlijn het saam met CBJ Prokureurs begin werk in 2022. Die diens is wonderlik. Hulle daag op en spandeer tyd by die skool om ouers te skakel en reëlings te tref. Hulle bied soveel meer as net ouers kontak en geld insamel. Die werk lading word verminger deur dat hulle help met die korting aansoeke. Kommunikasie deur hulle is altyd vriendelik en profesioneel."

Lizanda Joubert, Principal
Laerskool Oosterlijn

On 30 August 2023, Mr. James Steele had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Personeel van CBJ Prokureurs is uiters bekwaam en profesioneel in wat hulle doen. Hulle doen besoeke by die skool om ouers te akkommodeer wat hulle nie kan besoek om sake te bespreek en af te handel. Hierdie besoeke is ook uiters profesioneel maar tog streng. Ons by Laerskool Julian Muller is reeds vanaf September 2019 deel van hierdie fenomianel span. CBJ Prokureurs hantter ook die skool se invorderings sowel as ons skool fonds vrystellings aansoeke in die begin van die jaar wat die las van die admin kantoor verminder. Ons kan werklik met alle eerlikheid met lof getuig van hierdie maatskappy en so ook al sy personeel. Ons wens vir hulle: Hou aan met julle puik werk want ek dink enige skool het so 'n wen span nodige. Baie dankie dat julle ons hande sterker maak in hierdie take waarmee julle ons help.

James Steele, Principal
Laerskool Julian Muller

On 24 July 2023, Mr. Pat Mncina had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "It is an honour for me to write about CBJ Attorneys. We have been making use of their services from 2019 and we have not looked back ever since. Since taking over our debt collection, we've seen a significant increase in the collection rate. They are always available when we need their assistance and they always go an extra mile. Not only do they collect on the school's behalf, they also come to the school to meet and communicate with parents, who may be struggling with paying their school fee accounts. In addition to the above, they assist the school with subsidies, which relieves us of the much work which subsidies entail. They check and verify the information which is supplied by the debtors and they also do the necessary calculations (according to the South African Schools Act). Thereafter, make a recommendation to the school. Whenever we need assistance with legal matters, we always consult with them. It can be something as simple as confirming the legitimacy of a company or legal document, to something as complex as advising on labour matters. We are extremely satisfied with their service and are happy to recommend them. They have indeed exceeded our expectation. Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Pat Mncina, Principal
Greendale Combined School

On 27 July 2023, Mrs. MN Nekhudhzhiga had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "CBJ Attorneys has been part of Laerskool Duvhapark family for more than 10 years. CBJ Attorneys assist Laerskool Duvhapark to recover outstanding school fees and other Law related matters. Since day one CBJ Attorneys gave Laerskool Duvhapark outstanding service. Their staff is always friendly, resourceful, helpful and above all professional. We feel more than comfortable to recommend their services to surrounding schools."

Mrs. MN Nekhudhzhiga, Principal
Duvhapark Primary School

On 24 July 2023, Mr. Werner du Preez had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Ons wil van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om jul te bedank vir die harde werk wat jul tot dusver vir Laerskool Dennesig gedoen het. CBJ Prokureurs is nie net jou gewone prokureurs nie, julle stap regtig die ekstra myl om vir ons die beste diens te kan bied. Laerskool Dennesig word verskaf van die regte inligting en wette om alle situasies op die regte manier te kan doen. Goeie kommunikasie tussen ons en julle word deurgans waardeer. Dankie vir julle toewyding aan Laerskool Dennesig."

Werner du Preez, Principal
Laerskool Dennesig

On 30 August 2023, Mr. Pieter Fouche had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Laerskool Staatspresident CR Swart in Middelburg Mpumalanga maak vanaf 2020 van CBJ-prokureurs se professionele dienste gebruik om te help met die invordering van skoolgeld. Ons is veral beïndruk met hulle behulpsaamheid en kwaliteit van dienslewering. Die persentasie van invorderings het aansienlik gestyg vandat ons hulle kliënt is. Dit is vir ons belangrik dat die skool en ouers se belange op die hart gedra word en daarin slaag CBJ-prokureurs uitstekend. Ons beveel dié firma met groot vertroue, sterk aan. "

Pieter Fouche, Principal
Laerskool CR Swart

On 28 August 2023, Mr. Paul Burger had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Dit is vir my 'n voorreg om van CBJ Prokureurs te getuig. Laerskool Panorama wou seker maak dat elke finansiële saak sensitief, professioneel en met integriteit behandel word. Dus het die Beheerliggaam dit goed gedink om CBJ Prokureurs in 2018 aan te stel, om agterstallige skoolgelde in te vorder sonder verborge fooie en onkostes, asook hulp met die bepaling van die subsidies (gratis diens). CBJ Prokureurs dra die belange van die skool, asook die van die ouer op die hart. Elke saak word individueel en professioneel hanteer. Hulle stap voorwaar sonder vrae die spreekwoordelike "ekstra myl" met hulle voortreflike diens, gehalte van werk en intergriteit. Die professionele aanslag van CBJ Prokurers en die hele span, bevestig dat ons die regte keuse in 2018 gemaak het. Ons kan CBJ Prokureurs en hul span met die grootste vrymoedigheid aanbeveel. Ons beste wense vergesel julle."

Paul Burger, Principal
Laerskool Panorama

On 19 July 2023, Mr. Hoppie van Jaarsveldt had this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Hoër Tegniese Skool Middelburg verklaar hiermee dat CBJ Prokureurs waarlik omsien na hulle kliënte. Vanaf dag een het ons net eerlike, vriendelike en behulpsame diens ontvang. Dit waarvoor julle staan en julle werksaamhede, is van uitstekende gehalte. Die skool se finansiële aspekte het verbeter, weens die stiptelike maandelikse betaling, van uitstaande skoolfonds invorderings. Die persentasie van gelde wat betaal word, het tussen 7% - 10% verhoog. Ons wil dank betuig vir die maandelikse skedules wat u vir ons pligsgetrou aanstuur. U span is voorwaar 'n topspan en maak nie saak hoe groot of klein die probleem is nie, u is altyd bereid om te help. Dit is vir ons 'n eer om u dienste aan te beveel aan omliggende skole."

Hoppie van Jaarsveldt, Principal
Hoër Tegniese Skool Middelburg

On 19 October 2023, Mrs van Rensburg had this to say about Shelley in our Estates department: "Goeie môre Shelley, Baie dankie vir die terugvoer, jou goeie diens en gereelde terugvoer word baie waardeer. Jy het die hele proses vir my so maklik gemaak."

Mrs van Rensburg

On 8 November 2023 Charmain Eldridge has this to say about our Debt Collection Department: "Dear Ladies I am sure you arrive home safely despite the rain. I would like to thank you again for taking the time to come to Durban to assist us with the debt collection. The Hope that you have given me is so uplifting and I feel this heavy burden has been lifted. Thank you for the gifts."

Charmaine Eldridge, Assistant Financial Manager
Westville Girls' High School

On 19 January 2024, Mrs Nel had this to say about our Wills & Estates Department: " More Melanie en Shelley. Namens ons almal wil ek vir julle by CBJ Attorneys BAIE BAIE dankie se vir die professionele manier waarmee julle my ma se boedel gehanteer het en vir die vriendelikheid waarmee julle ons as erfgename gehanteer het. Dit was vir ons 'n groot voorreg om saam met julle hierdie moeilike pad te loop. Groete, Ina"

Ina Nel

On 20 February 2024, Mrs Bezuidenhout had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Goeie dag Denise. Ons wil jou uit ons hart uit bedank vir al jou hulp en harde werk met die transaksie. Dit was ‘n voorreg om met jou te kon werk. "

Mrs Bezuidenhout

On 29 February 2024, Mr Bodenstein had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Olivia’s service was excellent, thank you!"

Mr Bodenstein

On 01 March, Mr van Niekerk had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: " Denise’s service was good, she always answered back and kept me updated, thank you. Have no complaints, thank you CBJ and for the good service rendered."

Mr van Niekerk

On 1 March 2024, Mrs Shaw had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: " Olivia’s service was great, did not have to do much, she handled everything for me and always kept me updated. "

Mrs Shaw

On 23 April 2024, Mrs Sindo had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "I was so happy, she really helped me so much and always kept me updated. CBJ is very professional, thank you."

Mrs Sindo

On 18 April 2024, Mrs Mkhonto had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Susan was really, really good. Helped us with everything. Very talkative and so friendly. Thank you for the good service."

Mrs Mkhonto

On 8 April 2024, Mrs Duvenage had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Denise was always available to help and assist with any questions we had. One does not always understand everything, she always explained where needed. We have no complaints, the service received from CBJ was very good."

Mrs Duvenage

On 8 April 2024, Mr Makanyane had this to say about out Conveyancing Department: "The best of the best! Will never use anyone else again. Not just saying this but, there is no better Attorney or Conveyancing Secretary in the world than CBJ and Olivia. Received the best service. Honestly, CBJ and Olivia is very professional, helpful and she knows what she is doing. Was fantastic to work with her."

Mr Makanyane

On the 9th of May 2024, Mrs Smalberger had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Mrs Smalberger said the service received from Olivia was exceptionally good. Olivia always went out of her way for us, very satisfied."

Mrs Smalberger

On 23 August 2024, Mrs Mdhlovu had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "Denise’s service was very good, very professional. She always kept me updated, and I received weekly feedback with the Tracker system, weekly feedback reports and even SMS’s. She explained when I did not understand, was very good indeed."

Mrs Mdhlovu

On 25 July 2024, Mr Mahlaela had this to say about our Conveyancing Department: "The service received from both Cindy and Susan was absolutely beautiful. They kept me updated throughout the process whether it was via WhatsApp, email, SMS or phone calls. I have no complaints and when I buy or sell another property, CBJ will be my first and only choice."

Mr Mahlaela

On 13 August 2024, Mr Matlala had this to say about Denise and our Conveyancing Department: "Thank you for assisting us with the process of selling the house. I rate your company's service 10 out of 10. I was promptly updated on each and every step and I always knew the progress of the process. I would recommend your company to family and friends."

Mr Matlala

On 21 August 2024, Mr Oosthuizen had this to say about Susan and our Conveyancing Department: “Everything went very smoothly, and Susan’s service was superb. Excellent service, no problems. CBJ’s tracking system is fantastic. I was always kept updated throughout the process.”

Mr Oosthuizen

On 21 August 2024, Mr Gerntholtz had this to say about Olivia and our Conveyancing Department: “I will at any time recommend CBJ for anybody. Staff is always very friendly at reception. A special thanks to Oliva for all the effort, help and patience with this transaction. With my brother being overseas there were many challenges, and she was always willing to help wherever she could. Communication on progress, I was always updated and that made things easier. Keep up the great work.”

Mr Gerntholtz

On 26 August 2024, Mrs Swart had this to say about Shelley and our Conveyancing Department: “Thank you very, very much for the excellent service with regards to this matter. CBJ handled the process effortlessly and in a timely manner. I have referred all my friends to CBJ. Again, thank you!”

Mrs Swart

FEDSAS is the national representative organisation for governing bodies of South African schools.

FEDSAS is the national representative organisation for governing bodies of South African schools.