Page 66 - Q&A
P. 66
1. Homebuilders and developers must take note of the new Housing Consumer
Protection Bill (January 2020)
2. What to do when you settle your home loan (February 2020)
3. Who gets to choose the conveyancing attorney? (March 2020)
4. What are the consequences of a payment holiday on my home loan? (April 2020)
5. Can your body corporate charge more levies because of Covid-19? (May 2020)
6. Sectional Titles and Covid-19 (June 2020)
7. Buying or selling a house during lockdown? (July 2020)
8. Can you sell your water use entitlement to a neighbour? July 2020)
9. Should I still pay my rent during lockdown? (August 2020)
10. Is now the time to buy or rent? (September 2020)
11. Can a body corporate institute action against the sectional title developer?
(October 2020)