Page 20 - Q&A
P. 20

The  BEE  Commission  further  recognises  skills  development  as  an  absolute
            essential  element  but worryingly note  that the  Skills Development element
      BEE   is not creating the pipeline of new black executives due to black executives
            rotating from one measured entity to another. The Report continues to indicate
            that job absorption and advancement into senior management roles remain
            challenging  given  the  low  correlation  between  black  ownership  percentage
            and management control within many companies.

            Accordingly, the BEE Commission recommends that the pace of transformation
            be improved through strict adherence to the BEE  Act and Codes and
            enforcement by them of all sanctioning sections contained therein. Seeing as
            organs of state and public entities have fallen drastically short of the required
            standards in the BEE  Act and Codes, the BEE Commission has proposed
            that Preferential Procurement as sub-element of the Enterprise and Supplier
            Development element, should be made a standing deliverable on their annual
            performance plans and that they should be reported on more regularly to their
            portfolio committees.
            The BEE Commission stresses the fact that measured entities, when considering
            Enterprise and Supplier Development initiatives, should implement their
            initiatives on an informed basis and with a view to building sustainable black-
            owned entities. In respect of Skills Development, the BEE Commission advocates
            for an improvement in quality and transparency with emphasis on the nature
            and quality of training and not just quantity.
            From this Report, your suspicions are confirmed and shared by the BEE
            Commission, which acknowledges that transformation so far has been too static
            and that the priority elements have not had the intended impact. What can
            therefore be taken from the Report is that although the priority elements have
            not yet had the desired impact, government continues to support its focus on
            these elements, and will focus more on their enforcement and implementation
            to achieve the intended impact, which in turn should be a warning for all
            suppliers that have not actively focused on these priority elements in their
            BEE planning.

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